I guess the previous 2 months were pretty chaotic if that seems like a chill relaxing at home weekend. I'm not complaining though...I was having a blast! The day after Gloucester I was flying home and the next morning I was up at 4am driving back to the MKE airport and headed towards Hawaii! A nice break after the first 1/3 of the crosss season.
My parents left on Saturday and then Andrea and I went to the North Shore to explore a different part of the island for another 2 days. Another hike, some shrimp trucks, a guided mtb tour(4 miles in 4 hours...ouch) and some surf spectating. It all went pretty fast though and before I knew it we were on our way back home.
2 days later I had to make the mental switch from beach bum to USGP pro CX racer. If you saw the results you know I didn't make the switch. I did everything possible to try to be prepared, but there is no way that after 8 days off the bike and a red-eye home from Hawaii that you can be ready to race a USGP. I struggled bad on the first day. The second day felt pretty similar until I had 2 laps under my belt. Then I started going again.
The break hurt me for Ft. Collins, but I think it will be a good things in the last part of the season. I came home from CO with motivation. The weather in Sheboygan was crap. I rode 3.5 hours Wed and then another 3.5 Thursday in 45 degrees and rain, my hands froze, my feet hurt and I knew I wasn't in Hawaii anymore.
Yesterday's race was pretty darn nice. A perfect fall day and my first CX victory of the year. My legs are coming back around and after another 10 days at home I should be ready for the next big push.