Another Chequamegon FAT Tire Fest in the
books. Here is my take on the race....
I was having one of those days...I felt very little preparation was spot on....and I just missed out on the victory. The Trek Top Fuel was flawless and is still in my opinion the best bike to ride for stop 2 of the Triple Crown.
The start was the same as yelled at but managed to back it in and claim my spot on the front row.

I lined up next to Lemond who was scary to say the least. Big crashes on the pavement and in Rosies. First of the favorites to be gone was Simonson. His bad luck at Chequammy continues...

A group of 12 established on the Birkie....No Jesse, No Tristan, No Tandem
Hwy OO- I was more than Comfy in the group...Jesse & Marko had bridged, Doug was gone.

Firetower- The group was set - Tilford, Jesse, Jeff Hall, Cole House, Woodruff, T. Brown, Myself, Marko, Chris P, Mike P, Ian Stanford, Bill Stolte...I followed T Brown up the climb...maybe a mistake watching him struggle on the cross bike w/ cross gears and skinny tires while a small gap opened, but I wasn't worried and followed T Brown as he closed the gap on the descent. Woodruff flats in the descent.

Birkie - T Brown gave it one good dig on the cross bike, but it didn't happen. I thought to myself, "What would Doug do in this situation..." So I attacked....Tilford was on my wheel and said we had a gap...he pulled through...I looked back...the gap was closed...I gave it one more shot...another gap, but again it was short lived.
Finish - I made two mistakes at the 07 Chequammy....heading into the Telemark trail with 2 miles to go....Jesse, Tilford, Cole, Travis and Myself...not sure who was behind me...the rollers, the gap...Cole opens it up and I watch Jesse and Tilford ride away as I struggle to get around T. Brown and Cole....I bridge to Tilford who says, "Go Brian I'm blown" I look up see Jesse...pedal hard...last climb....catching him...too late...happy with 2nd. Should have been on Jesse's wheel as he was the man to beat.

Andrea rocked the race also....22nd overall 6th in age and 17 minutes faster than her last Chequammy....she also climbed the Seely Firetower for the first time ever!

UP NORTH HAVING FUN!!! - From the man himself -
"Year of the single speed?: Arguably the year of the hair or better yet the mullet. With Matters inspiration both Marko and captain tandem threw down a mean waterfall. In respect for the Northwoods these were the boys who truly shined. To you I raise my blaze orange podium

What about the year of Jesse
"LALONDO"...Doug had his in 03....I had mine in hats off to Jesse for this amazing 07 season.
Wisco Worlds by the numbers -
Here or
play me here -
2nd mistake of the race....the advertising, the marketing, the BLUE BUNNY??? Never skip over Ben & Jerry's when it comes time to Triple Crown race prep...

Thanks to all who have helped throughout the year...PCW, TREK, Hyundai, OAKLEY, Crank Bros
Thanks to all who come and spectate, cheer, and take awesome pictures.