Now it's back to work, back to life, back to reality...
Training has continued to go good...beleive it or not I have already done more intervals this year than the last two years combined! This leaves me with two options...get faster or burn out...only time will tell...In exchange for more intervals(see below)
Any excuse for more Ben & Jerry's is a good one...
It has been busy @ work with the Trek Supersale so I have to get going....really wishing I was at the Norba in Phoenix! I love that place...
It was all about Cold Stone after the race...max calorie intake!
burn out
In Tucson I had Cold Stone for lunch is basically what made me get fast! nice race in az...time go duke it out with the big boys?
whoever wrote burn out i am going to rip their legs off!~ bmatter
Yeah what the hell, why not. You only live once! I'll still rock the white-T on the Pro podium though.
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