Friday, January 23, 2009

De Ja Vu

It seems like I just made this trip yesterday. Once again I'm in Izegem Belgium sharing some bunk beds with Shriver. I have already had my first Ham & Cheese, heard my fav 4 techno songs on Radio MNM (formerly Radio Donna), and checked my e-mail 10 times. A few things were different though. I couldn't sleep on the plane and therefore I am exhausted right now. I need to stay awake for another 7hours to properly adjust to the new time zone. Brutal. I flew NWA and they had some sweet on demand movies. I watched Miracle at St Anna. It was pretty good. My luggage arrived on time so that was pretty sweet too.

Herman the ex cop picked up Gully, Proctor, and I from the airport. It is 40 and raining. What more could you want? Good thing I bought those Rhinos! Andrea is flying out in one week to watch the race. Last time I did one of these(Worlds) was downunder on the fat tires! Time to go build some bikes.


Julie said...

woo hoo! get some sleep and then go get 'em!

the fat guy who rides said...

Kick some ass and have some fun. But number one thing, stay healthy.

BVDG said...

hey dude... got your message once you were airborn, as I listened to it I was watching "megasnake" on chiller, I tried to watch voodoo moon but just couldnt do it, so bad.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on making the team! Good Luck from Terri, Marley and me. We're all in town (Wauseon) for Katy's wedding today. We're happy to hear how well you're doing. Terri and your Dad are both talkin' Steelers. Argh!!!